Kermit (Kermit) 程玉娟 1997-01-01   In communication,a file transfer protocol,developed at Columbia University and placed in the public domain,used to transfer files between PCs and mainframe computers over standard telephone lines.    Kermit是通讯上的一种文件传输协议,它是由哥伦比亚大学开发的并放置在公用区中,用于多台PC机与大型主机之间通过标准电话线进行文件传输。   Data is transmitted in variable length blocks up to 96 characters long,and each block is checked for transmission error. Kermit detects transmission errors and initiates repeat transmissions automatically.   数据按可变长度的块进行传输,每块长度最多到96个字符,并且各块均要进行传输错误的校验。Kermit检测出传输错误就会自动开始重新传送。