自检(SELF-TEST) 方风波 1997-01-01   To ensure the computer hardware is functional,the system BIOS will carry out a self-test upon reset. The test is very intensive and covers all parts of hardware.. It takes a while before some messages are shown on the screen. It does not mean that the system is not working when the screen is blank. So wait for a while after turning on the power and listen carefully to the speaker. Some errors are reported by a number of beep sounds. After completing the self-test,the BIOS will display some messages on the screen.   为确保计算机硬件正常工作,系统BIOS在复位时将进行自检。自检进行得很细致,包括硬件的所有组成部分。在将自检的某些信息显示在屏幕之前要等一段时间。黑屏时并不意味着系统没有工作。因而打开电源后要等一会,并仔细听喇叭的发声。有些错误就是由一些蜂鸣声来告知。自检完成后,BIOS将在屏幕上显示某些信息。   In case of serious errors,the BIOS will suspend the test. If the display is not initialized,the BIOS will report the error through a sequence of beep sounds. Otherwise,error message will be shown on the screen.    如果发生严重错误,BIOS将暂停自检。如果显示器未初始化,则BIOS将通过一系列蜂鸣声来告知出错。否则,错误信息将显示在屏幕上。