电梯式搜寻 Elevator Seeking 魏敢 1997-01-01   This is a method of accessing data from hard disk storage devices.   这是一种从硬盘存储设备存取数据的方法。   A shared network disk drive and its related channel quickly become clogged with disk I/O requests. Inorder to solve the problem,a queue is prepared for each disk drive in the server. When read and write requests are queued,the operating system,again,sorts I/O requests into an order of priority based on the drive's current head position. Then,the requests will be processed orderly as the disk head moves from outside to inside.   一个共享的网络磁盘驱动器及其相应通道随着磁盘输入/输出请求的增加会很快被堵塞。为了解决这一问题,在服务器中为每个驱动器准备了一个队列。当读、写请求排成队列时,操作系统将依据驱动器当前磁头位置对输入/输出请求重新按优先顺序排序。然后,所有的请求将会在磁头由外向内的移动中顺序地被处理。   Elevator seeking,therefore,improves disk channel performance greatly by reducing rapid back-and-forth movements of the disk head and by decreasing head seek time.   正是通过减少磁头快速的前后移动及磁头搜寻时间,电梯式搜寻大大提高了磁标通道的性能。