显示器电源管理系统 Display Power Management System 方风波 1997-01-01   If your PC supports VESA display power management,you can minimize the power consumed by the display.There are two power saving modes.   如果你的PC支持VESA显示器电源管理,就可使显示器的耗电减到最小。有两种节电模式。   ·Standby mode which can be activated after a period of keyboard inactivity.The front panel indicator light turns amber and blinks on and off.   ·打盹模式,该模式可在一段时间无击键操作后被激活。显示器前面板指示灯变成淡黄并不时地闪烁。   ·Sleep mode which can be activated at a certain time of day.The front panel indicator light turns amber and blinks on and off.   ·休眠模式,此种模式可在某个特定时间被激活。显示器前面板指示灯变成淡黄并不时地闪烁。   To set power saving mode,refer to the manuals delivered with your computer.If your screen is not displaying an image,check the front panel indicator light first. The display may be in a power saving mode.   要设置节电模式,请参考随机手册。如果显示器屏幕未显示图象,请首先检查前面板指示灯,显示器可能正处于节电模式。