屏幕保护程序 Screen Saver 冯彬然 1997-01-01   A screen saver is a program that monitors keyboard and mouse activity.When there is no activity after a user-defined time,the screen saver blanks the screen and optionally dis-plays a dy namic pattern such as a moving star field.Screen savers are a good idea on non-VGA displays be-cause they can prevent burn-in.When an image stays for extended  periods of time on a display,the image reduces the ability of the phos phor "dots" to light up,causing burn-in.When burn-in  occurs,a  permanent ghost image of  the  image appears on  the display(where the phosphor dots have been damaged).   屏幕保护程序是一种用来监视键盘和鼠标活动的程序。当在用户规定的时间内没有键盘和鼠标活动后,屏幕保护程序会使屏幕变暗,并可任选地在屏幕上显示诸如移动的星空那样的动态图形。屏幕保护程序由于可以保护屏幕不致烧坏,所以是非VGA显示器一个理想的保护屏幕方法。一旦图象在屏幕上停留的时间过长,就会降低荧光点发光的能力,引起烧坏屏幕。屏幕被烧坏,屏幕上就始终会出现重叠的图象(就在荧光点被损坏处)。