Upper Memory and High Memory 浙江 陈剑波 1996-06-14 HIGH MEMORY AREA(HMA) is the first 64k of extended memory. This is a special region of memory that is most commonly used to load DOS high. When you issue the DOS=HIGH command in your config.sys file,the amount of conventional memory that was previously being occupied by DOS itself is moved into this region. 上位内存和高端内存 上位内存指640K至1024K之间的内存。通常此区域被诸如系统ROM、视频和硬卡之类所使用。大多数PC机的硬件并不使用整个上位内存区,当你使用了象EMM386、QEMM或386MAX之类的内存管理程序后,就可以把某一些TSR程序移到此内存区。这些末用的区域被称为上位内存块(UMB),以供装入某些TSR程序。 高端内存区(HMA)是指扩展内存的前64K部分。这是内存的一个特殊区域,通常用来将DOS装入高端。当你在CONFIG.SYS文件中配上DOS=HIGH命令后,以前占用常规内存部分的DOS本身就转移到高端内存区域。