翻译;DIET 1995-10-13 DIET.EXE reduces the disk-storage space that executable and data files need without giving up immediate access to such files. DIET is a freeware program. The self-expanding feature of DIETed executable file is similar to compress DATA files and to automatically expand them when you call them into an editor to read or change them. DIET will also compress SYS files and the files will also run noramlly. DIET DIET.EXE减少了可执行文件和数据文件需要的磁盘存贮空间,同时却并不损失对其的快速存取。DIET是一个自由软件。DIET压缩过的可执行文件的自展开特性与压缩数据文件类似,一旦被调入编辑软件进行浏览和修改,它们将会自动展开。DIET还可以压缩SYS文件且使其正常使用。