翻译:The Current Directory 1994-01-14 The directory you are in is called the current directory. Knowing which directory is current helps you find files and helps you move from one directory to another more easily.You do not have to be in the directory that contains the files you want to use,but the commands you type will be shorter if you are. 如果你不知道在哪一个目录下,用起来就比较困难。MS-DOS将目录名在命令显示处提示你在哪一个目录。例如,如下的命令提示告诉你在DOS目录下。C:\DOS> 你所在的目录称之为当前目录。知道哪一个目录是当前目录,有助于查找文件和在目录间传输文件。如果要用不是当前目录的文件可以不必转换目录,但在当前目录下,用该目录的文件命令会短一些。