打印机检测程序 重庆 莫负民 1992-09-18 Program Chykprint; Function PR:Boolean; Type RS=Record AX,BX,CD,DX,BP,DI,DS,ES,FIAGS:Integer; End; Var Regs:RS; Begin PR:=False;FillChar (Regs,SizeOF (Regs),00); With Regs Do begin AX:=$0200;DX:=0;end; Intr ($17,Regs); if (Regs.AX and $4000)=0 then begin if (Regs.AX and $4000)<>0 then PR:=True; if (Regs.AX and $4000)=0 then PR:=False; end End;{of Function PR} Begin Hires;HiresCoilor(3); If (Not PR) Then begin Write(^G^G,^M^J,`请开打印机!'); Repeat Until PR end End